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The White Contessa
The Renovation
Future Hino Contessa prohect in New Zealand
NZ production Contessa newly repainted by original Gulf Blue
Future Hino Contessa prohect in the Netherlands
Hino Contessa, challenging for returning Japan (From Sri Lanka) - "MOTTAINAI"
Colombia - Starting@renovation!
Colombia - Working progress
Colombia - Completed!
Colombia - Mystery Hino
Sleeving Clutch & Brake Cylinders (J)
Thickness of rubber seal in Master Brake/Clutch pump (cylinder) (J)
Simple re-production of gaskets using PC (J)
Reproducing Air Element (J)
Solutions for Clutch Operating Hose (J)
Rebuilding Clutch Hose (J)
Front Drum Brake Wheel Cylinder (1) (J)
Front Drum Brake Wheel Cylinder (2) (J)
Front Drum Brake Wheel Cylinder (3) (J)
Fun to Drive Hino Contessa - Engine Renovation #1 (J)
White Wall Tires - Whitening (J)
Blue Sedan History (J)
Hino Cars Global Census Project

Starting renovation now! - Colombia

Finally, the renovation is now in process. It it very quick job. Please see concrete block for jacking up. (2008.5.22)

New Hino Contessa 1300 in the good condition for parts. But it is not unable to register. Of course, the owner dfocus for red Contessa that he owned and drove for long time many years ago.(2008.3.19)

He got the information about Hino Contessa for parts, but it was very bad condition. It is something Hino Contessa still remain in Columbia. By the way, the following picture is Red Contessa he owned and took picture 10 years ago. (2007.7.27)

As for Hino Contessa 1300 including Hino Briska 1300, the considerable quantity was exported to the South America. As for the accurate number to Colombia although it is not, Contessa & Briska respectively a little more than 170 units & 60 units (end of 1966) there is record in Panama of the neighboring country.We desire the this Colombian Contessa runs greatly soon. (2005.8.19)
iSE 2008.7.13 Updated, Original: 2006.8.19 )*